Cosplay Society Doco-Advert? Beta Presentation

My digital artefact has gone through some iterations and will now be featured as mainly a form of advertisement for the club. As a club we don’t really have any forms of advertisements, most of our members come after O-week and our new member email, or through finding our society on the UOW clubs page. It’s very clear that “social media advertising will continue to remain the most important platform for advertisers.” (Hague, 2018) and I want to use this to my advantage by creating small advertisements videos to work for each social media that we own and the events that we run.


Hague, S. (2018). How Technology and New Media Are Shaping the Future of Advertising. Indus Net Technologies.

The song used is Living Pulse – Midnight Train and is a free song in editing software Wondershare Filmora

6 thoughts on “Cosplay Society Doco-Advert? Beta Presentation”

  1. Hey Louise, I’m truly new to the world of cosplay and am not too familiar with it so this is my first introduction to your society. I think a series of documentaries/advertisements would be a great insight into the life of your society and can boost the numbers of new members come O-Week. These sets of advertisements could also be pinned to your Facebook page so they’re the first thing that new viewers will see which could be incredibly engaging. As you mentioned, I think it is a great idea to release a teaser to the video content you will be releasing, for example, on a Monday you could tell your audience to keep their eyes peeled on a Friday for the full video. You also stated that you were having issues with your audio and if it comes up again with your Pixel 3, you could interview current members and ask them why they love the club and have that audio playing over video content displaying members costumes and the society’s atmosphere. For your video, you could also add music created by other students for cross-society collaboration and this could also increase the platform for your audience. Another thing to mention is that it may be another idea to watermark your video and place a hyperlink on this, so from that logo people can click on it and it can take you to your social media accounts which can all be displayed using Linktree. And finally, I think the cost of cosplay is also something to address in one of your videos as financial stability is a major concern for student living. I’m definitely excited to see your video content and I hope it is a success for the society. Good luck!

    P.S. Here is the website link for Linktree mentioned above –


  2. I believe incorporating personal interests into creating a digital artefact helps in the online content creation, especially if it has become a passion. Creating advertisements for the cosplay society is a great idea as they can be employed throughout their social media channels and pertain the ability to recruit future members.

    From a documentary foundation turned to short advertisements, I think this will become of great asset to the society as people may seem unsure or hesitant to join upon first glance; though it is through these videos where your vision can help inform future members of what to expect. In the content, I believe in keeping it real and authentic, not too composed where you get the ‘perfect shot’, for example; have clips of members interacting, making fun poses and glances at the camera, maybe even role playing a particular fighting scene of some sort, as this will help communicate the club’s authenticity. As for the length of these advertisements, I suggest condensing them to about 15 seconds, and as an online user, I tend to like videos that are shorter in comparison. With 15 seconds as an advertisement, you can focus on the quality of your shots and not be overworked with having a full minute of footage. You could potentially create 4 15-second advertisements to equate 1 minute, with the 4 advertisements be released over time as a suggestion. I’ll provide you an example of a YouTube clip I found where you can grab inspiration for the potential aesthetic you can achieve for your advertisements:

    Your project communicates the topical nod to future cultures in its central focus on the cosplay society and its place in university culture. The most important aspect of your project I believe is sharing and making aware of the society to others on campus, and the promotion of the club by creating a variety of advertisements. I’ll be keeping an eye out for your released advertisements, and good luck!


  3. So Louise, I actually have no history with cos-playing, although as part of an ongoing personal project on Pinterest, costume design and themed outfits seem to have a significant play on the internet and there is clearly a market for such concepts in the future so as a Future Cultures Digital Artifact I can see the appeal. Your idea of a video advert is super interesting, I am imagining a sort of Jonas Brothers Doco/Critical Role type thing that I really think is fantastic. A example I believe you would find useful is the PuMatt Sol exposition and Gen Con, this video demonstrates the link between Original Character generation and Cosplay:


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