Category Archives: Admin

The Future of Dogs

Rebekah Lavy

My Digital Artefact is my dogs Instagram and TikTok accounts. In this project I will explore possible dog futures in terms of health and lifestyle and how these are reflected in social media.
I have always loved dogs and got my first one 10 years ago. Six years ago, I started a dog Instagram account for him, where I get to practice my photography skills and post about my dog life for fun. By 2019 I was invited to events and morning TV shows as well getting free products from brands. Since then, my account has grown, and I now have 9k + followers. I also have more than 2k followers on TikTok.

Check out my video to learn more about my project!

Background Research:

Initial research shows that there has been a significant change in the way that dogs are viewed by people. No longer are dogs chained to a kennel and kept in the back-garden, they are now seen as people’s “fur-babies” and a treasured family member.

Back in the 1980s people couldn’t have imagined how people would be treating their pets today.

Recent research found that buying things for their pets made millennials happy during the Covid lockdown and was a form of self-care.

Today people throw dog parties for their dogs with cakes and decorations, there are dog cafes with dog food on the menu, dogs are dressed up in clothes and are social media influencers with millions of followers.

The “Future is Now”

According to Moore, if there is anything you can take away from Bell’s Futures Studies book is: “it is very much concerned with the now, because if you focus purely on prediction you are unlikely to have the right information to come up with a viable plan of action for the future.”

Dog parties are definitely the future now and show how the dog community/world has changed in such short period of time.

This weekend I am having a dog party for my youngest puppy, and brands have given me free products. I hope the party will help my account to grow a bit, but at the same time it is just for fun.

Possible, Probable and Preferable Futures:

Possible: I believe the dog world on Instagram will continue to grow as well as on other social media platforms like TikTok, but it may be harder to be seen as more and more people want to be a part of this lifestyle with their furry friend.

Probable: In 10 years’ time I also think there will be more mixed dog breeds as more people become aware of the health benefits of mixed dogs compared to the genetic problems experienced by pure bred dogs. For example, many Cavaliers have heart issues and don’t live past 5 years, whereas Cavoodles who are a mix of poodle and Cavalier live for much longer, Poodle cross dogs are also better for people who have allergies and there may be more poodle type crosses in the future.

It will be interesting to see in ten years’ time, if Cavoodles are still seen as a mix breed, or if they are considered a breed in their own right. Also, will mixed dog breeds lead to original breeds with health problems dying out?

Preferable: In 10 years I would like to see dogs being more accepted and welcomed in Australian society as they are in countries overseas like America, where they are allowed on planes and in restaurants.


Bell, W., 1998. Making people responsible: The possible, the probable, and the preferable. American Behavioral Scientist, 42(3), pp.323-339.

Cox, J 2018 ‘Do millennials opt for a ‘fur baby’ because they’re broke – or scared of responsibility?’ The Guardian, April 2019, viewed 16 March 2022

Hanbury, M 2018 ‘Millennials are treating pets like ‘their firstborn child,’ and it’s reportedly causing problems for some of the best-known pet food brands’ Business Insider Australia, November 2018, viewed 16 March 2022

Mediakix 2022 ‘10 Famous Instagram dogs to follow now’ viewed 16 March 2022

Moore, C 2022 BCM325 ‘Multiple Futures – Part Two’ Lecture viewed 17 March 2022

Mull, A 2021 ‘Why So Many Millennials Are Obsessed With Dogs’ The Atlantic, September 2021 viewed 16 March 2022

Ypulse 2020 ‘76% of Millennials Are Pet Parents—Here’s What They’ve Been Buying for Them’ viewed 16 March 2022

What is cyberculture?

Cyberculture is the response to the ubiquitous presence and use of computers and networks in all aspects of contemporary social and cultural life, including communication, labour, education, art and entertainment, and industry among others.

Cyberculture involves both the everyday experience of networked digital technologies and the representation of the many possible futures that such technologies might contribute to making a reality.

This subject seeks to examine those structures, institutions, and technologies which bring cyberculture into effect and the sites of representation and resistance that destabilise and call it into question.

#DIGC335: Subject Outline Recap

elysium design utopia

First week of uni is out of the way and I’m feeling thoroughly disorganised. As such, I thought whipping up a quick image to print out and stick on my wall would be appropriate. The image includes all of the assessments for this subject, which, if done properly, should lead me to pass.  The visual layout for subject outlines, though consistent, can often be hard to decipher, so this is my quick recap of what I took from the subject outline .(SHOULD BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH IT; I DID NOT INCLUDE EVERYTHING, JUST THE PARTS I THOUGHT WERE MOST IMPORTANT TO ME, AND HOW I APPROACH ASSIGNMENTS, SO KEEP THAT IN MIND.)

Subject Overview- digc335-05.png

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wanted: student curation of the stack

As part of this subject, students are required to research a topic or concept from the stack and blog their research, to be formally presented in the weekly seminars. Students have the option of submitting a research report or digital artifact which mediates their analysis in a critical and detailed fashion using technologies and platforms including podcast, online video, annotated image gallery or Twitter feed for example.

One student is invited to take on the curation of the stack, which will be developed further and expanded significantly over the course of the subject as a digital artifact. The curator/s will be tasked with organising and adding to the stack, filling in links and adding topics and examples. The student will present on their research and method of organising and developing the stack during the session, which will be submitted as that students’s digital artifact, with a critical reflection of 500 words explaining and documenting their approach.