Category Archives: Cyberculture

A Beta Look At The Future

(BCM 325 Beta Peer Comments)

Comment 1: Chau’s DA Beta

Quick summary of DA:

Chau is blogging about the future marketing strategies and plans of the high fashion industry hoping 5-10 years into the future.

Key Points of my comment:

  • good initial post + interaction
  • worth looking into IBISWorld marketing industry reports (UOW access)
  • Marketing shift to humans focusing on creative processes and letting numbers chose where to spend
  • AI in marketing 5-10 years?

Comment 2: Shuning’s DA Beta

Quick summary of DA:

A blog and YouTube series about future of food.

Key Points:

  • feedback received and implemented
  • what’s the exact frame
  • public interaction well
  • looking at GDP effect on diet as a starting point if its a close future

Comment 3: Melanie’s DA Beta

Quick summary of DA:

Melanie’s own summary “In this DA we break down technologies depicted in future societies to see if they would in fact work in reality”

Key Points:

  • creative forecasting building on others
  • string futurists link
  • start with those you can access for a feedback loop
  • technology rather than film based interactions suggested
  • outrageous claims/catchy lines suggested to get attention
  • other mediums directing to blog suggested

My Learnings:

  • evaluating my cross disciplinary knowledge of marketing into my DA is something I hadn’t even considered until trying to help others
  • I believe I provided a different perspective to hopeful help peers further their DA mostly with engagement ideas
  • other people are working in groups which I hadn’t even considered maybe its something I need to think about in future to create more wholistic products
  • The click bait attention span of the world currently
  • Looking into multiple futurists connections into my content and also the week 2 lecture of sci-fi future predictions and how that lines up with my own DA

My blog:

The Future is Now for More Women in Leadership

Josephine Doyle

The trajectory of my BCM325 project has changed quite a bit since my original pitch.

So far in the project, I have explored our past and current women in leadership in Australian politics and sport.

A popular TikTok audio of Julia Guillard’s Misogny Speech

The next topics I will be researching are the women in leadership roles in the entertainment industry. The media I create will make particular note of prominent issues such as the gender pay gap and the Me Too Movement in the entertainment industry and profile the women who are leading change in these areas. I will also be addressing representation issues and the consequences of this on the future of women in entertainment and the effect on female consumers.

The gender bias against women in Australian electronic music, and what we  must do to fix it
The Brag, 2017

Follow my blog to stay…

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Forecasting the forecast factories

-My BCM325 DA Beta-


the timeline is now 1 video every 1.5 weeks now that I have defined concepts for what goes into each video and have broken the elements out from each factory game I want to focus on and have looked into some of the similar existing technologies that can be forecast to develop into the technology seen in the games.

Gathering further engagement:

I plan to get further public engagement through reddit posts with my forecasting videos based on each game specifically posted into each of their seperate reddit bases and to not be overly self promoting in a single space.

my blog -


cyberculture [digital artefact beta]

cyberculture [digital artefact pitch]


“High tech.  Low life.”

Background Research

I’ll be researching the history and iconography of the cyberpunk genre so that I can successfully incorporate cyberpunk references and ideas into my original content. This can be achieved by familiarising myself with and analyzing popular cyberpunk literature, films, news media, academic articles, and lecture materials.

Literature; Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Philip K. Dick, 1968), The Shockwave Rider (John Brunner, 1975), Neuromancer (William Gibson, 1984)

Films; Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982), Ghost in the Shell (Mamoru Oshii, 1995) Alita: Battle Angel (Robert Rodriguez, 2019)

News Media; Bringing Cyberpunk 2077 To Life (GameSpot, 2019), Neon and corporate dystopias: why does cyberpunk refuse to move on? (The Guardian, 2018), What Is Cyberpunk? (Neon Dystopia)

Academic Articles/Books; 

Csicsery-Ronay, I., 1988. Cyberpunk and neuromanticism. Mississippi Review16(2/3), pp.266-278.

Featherstone, M. and Burrows, R. eds., 1996. 

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Digital Artefact Pitch

Hi everyone,

I have recently become aware of a new type of cyber culture and form of content creation in the form of “The Hype House” on TikTok. This type of mass content creation – like we’ve seen through Team 10 and other “influencer housing” has become a very popular and bulk way of keeping people interacted with an app and page for a longer amount of time while also housing their most prominent influencers for a price.

Figuring out how to watch this trend and create an artefact out of it was my biggest bump in deciding what to pick for my DA this semester.

My second plan is to possibly watch the trends in hospitality socials over the unfolding of COVID-19 around the Illawarra and how businesses react and change to move with changes in Environment. This would be done through my own employers Instagram and social media action plan that I am currently working on with the management team.

Please see the video below to watch the mess of my brain unfolding in picking a topic:

Growth EP and the bonus track!


Contextual Essay:


Growth (Deluxe) is a musical project that mostly explores spiritual aspects of love, peace and happiness, while briefly, in a bonus song, touching on our material and philosophical relationship with technology. I want to invite the listener to grow as an individual, and inspire them to progress with meaning and be happy. By impacting one person, in consequence a ripple effect could occur for 10, 15 or 20 years. Imagine the inspiration of one human to change themselves, inspiring someone else!


The project is F.I.S.T, (fast, inexpensive, simple and tiny). It was put together by using free recording software and a relatively cheap Blue Yeti microphone. I recorded the Whole project at home so there was no paid for studio time. I did all the editing and mastering on each track. To post my songs, I used Sound cloud, a free platform for artists.



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BCM325 Live Tweeting Self-Reflection (Part 2)

Ray Nguyen

Continued on my previous live-tweeting experience, I would like to reflect on what I have achieved over the past 5 weeks in BCM325. This time, I was still tasked to conduct live tweeting for the screenings in weeks 8 to 12.

Here are some of my most prominent tweets and interactions:

Taking the feedback I received from the first live-tweeting assessment, I plan to gather more findings of further research related to the screenings this time. It amazed to me that the interaction I received when I first shared a research article was also the highest amongst all tweets so far…

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Screenshots of feedback outside class:

FEEDBACKScreen Shot 2019-03-29 at 9.06.20 pm


My project is called ‘Growth.’ It is an EP that considers the future in 10 – 20 years’ time. I hope to influence the cycle of negative energy that we are currently digesting. The world needs to learn to love and compromise rather than destroy. I have researched the history of performance in Ancient Greece and how music frequency can be engineered to create calm and peacefulness. It is my hope that through the combined effort of my performance, message and frequency that you are all inspired to live and impact positively however you can. I love you all beautiful souls!


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Pitch Comments


Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at 1.34.53 pm.png

I don’t have a link to this comment because it is awating moderation and won’t show up normally. Jessica’s Pitch was about the future of online media, through short videos she wants to educate us on the current state of online media, and the overall space of online media in terms of content creation and trends.

My comment set out to ask her how she could veiw her own place in the space of online media and asking how could she mould the future of the online world. As a filmaker/Youtuber I gave a few tips about making her informative videos engaging.

I think my comment was applicable and considerate towards her interests, suggesting another level of perspective into her work (through the lense of the self). Through inviting Jessica to consider how she may edit her videos, I am expressing a desire to see her do well and make…

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