Category Archives: Social Media

Growth EP and the bonus track!


Contextual Essay:


Growth (Deluxe) is a musical project that mostly explores spiritual aspects of love, peace and happiness, while briefly, in a bonus song, touching on our material and philosophical relationship with technology. I want to invite the listener to grow as an individual, and inspire them to progress with meaning and be happy. By impacting one person, in consequence a ripple effect could occur for 10, 15 or 20 years. Imagine the inspiration of one human to change themselves, inspiring someone else!


The project is F.I.S.T, (fast, inexpensive, simple and tiny). It was put together by using free recording software and a relatively cheap Blue Yeti microphone. I recorded the Whole project at home so there was no paid for studio time. I did all the editing and mastering on each track. To post my songs, I used Sound cloud, a free platform for artists.



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Cosplay Society Doco-Advert? Beta Presentation

My digital artefact has gone through some iterations and will now be featured as mainly a form of advertisement for the club. As a club we don’t really have any forms of advertisements, most of our members come after O-week and our new member email, or through finding our society on the UOW clubs page. It’s very clear that “social media advertising will continue to remain the most important platform for advertisers.” (Hague, 2018) and I want to use this to my advantage by creating small advertisements videos to work for each social media that we own and the events that we run.


Hague, S. (2018). How Technology and New Media Are Shaping the Future of Advertising. Indus Net Technologies.

The song used is Living Pulse – Midnight Train and is a free song in editing software Wondershare Filmora

An Update

Over the course of the past few weeks I have been working on producing content for my digital artefact. To do so I ask my interviewees to remember their past expectations and allow them to form a new set of expectations for the future. This allows me as the writer and editor of the interviews to use their opinions to create a rough idea about what the future is like.

I hope you enjoy the video, let me know what you think in the comments and give me all the feedback you can!




Screenshots of feedback outside class:

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My project is called ‘Growth.’ It is an EP that considers the future in 10 – 20 years’ time. I hope to influence the cycle of negative energy that we are currently digesting. The world needs to learn to love and compromise rather than destroy. I have researched the history of performance in Ancient Greece and how music frequency can be engineered to create calm and peacefulness. It is my hope that through the combined effort of my performance, message and frequency that you are all inspired to live and impact positively however you can. I love you all beautiful souls!


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Pitch Comments


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I don’t have a link to this comment because it is awating moderation and won’t show up normally. Jessica’s Pitch was about the future of online media, through short videos she wants to educate us on the current state of online media, and the overall space of online media in terms of content creation and trends.

My comment set out to ask her how she could veiw her own place in the space of online media and asking how could she mould the future of the online world. As a filmaker/Youtuber I gave a few tips about making her informative videos engaging.

I think my comment was applicable and considerate towards her interests, suggesting another level of perspective into her work (through the lense of the self). Through inviting Jessica to consider how she may edit her videos, I am expressing a desire to see her do well and make…

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Critical analysis of live tweets


Critical analysis of live tweets

I have enjoyed engaging with the BCM325 hashtag and having conversations that get me to think about the future and the current implications of technology. Following are some of those interactions and Tweets that most resonated with my fellow BCM325 classmates. It only seems logical to start with Metropolis!

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This Tweet was one of my more intelligent ones. I feel a little sense of achievement when I get re-tweeted, it is a sure way of knowing if something you said truly resonated with someone or impressed them. To me this was an interesting way to perceive the scene, I think in this example I engaged with the movie thoughtfully and intellectually.

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Unfortunately, my comment did not develop into a conversation. Travis made an interesting point which stood out to me, because at the time I was in that realm of thought. I wanted to add some relate some real-world knowledge to his literal statement about what was occurring in the movie, adding another layer.

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Over the few movies we have watched there are several comedic moments. The trajectory of my tweets in every viewing starts off serious and then at some point will branch off into a sort of unrelated conversation that stems from something about the movie. I think it’s nice to engage with people in a more light-hearted manner sometimes, you don’t always have to get deep and dark and philosophical.

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I am very proud of this Tweet, there were few moments in the movie where I had a perception that was this deep. I really appreciated the two re-tweets as it made me feel validation in what I was saying, the feeling that some understood. Again, I believe this was a moment of true engagement with the movie and the minds of others.

I have provided a link for this tweet as the thread is too big to screenshot. It is another light-hearted post making a meme of a scene. I enjoyed the comment section on this tweet because it got a few humorous contributions and a large amount of like (well from what I am used to anyway). I noticed through experimenting with styles of tweets that humour is a great way to encourage engagement with what you have said, I can only hope to learn how to craft punchy tweets, could it be an artistic endeavour?

Moving on we arrive at 2001: A Space Odyssey

This is another example of a conversation that branched off from the topic of the film but stemmed from it. I still think that it was a good engagement, Georgie related her post to food and we related based on how hungry we were.

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Another post that was re-tweeted! I was glad to see how many people liked the score!

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This Tweet stuck out to me because it was a smart perspective that invited engagement with a question. So, I decided to flesh out his perspective.

Blade Runner:

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Simply to show my engagement. Humorous.


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Another retweet, this was a great point and I respected it.

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Overall, I think I have engaged to the best of my current abilities, however, I hope to improve!

Ghost In The Shell:

A cool conversation spawned from this tweet. We discussed programming in the context of human lives and to what extent are we programmed.

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I retweeted Chris’ post because I resonated with Motoko’s refusal to be defined by her shell. It got me thinking about how as humans we are also defined by our shell, and the need/want to transcend our ridgid definitions is a very human problem, yet we were seeing this in a cyborg, very interesting.


The Social Robots – Digital Artefact Pitch — Nicola Carnevale

The idea behind my BCM325 Digital Artefact was to incorporate the idea of robots and artificial intelligence having the ability to replace humans in jobs such as a ‘social media influencers’. The way I plan to incorporate this idea into my Digital Artefact is by creating an Instagram page with my own created ‘Digital Influencer’, posting relatable and interactive content to engage the audience. Trying to replicate what may take graphic designers and artists days or weeks to create with my skill level and accessibility would be interesting to portray how accessible this project could be for any other everyday person with a laptop or computer, which could therefore determine how far off this prediction is. In the scheme of things, I’m imagining between the short to medium timescale.

See the video below for further details on my Digital Artefact:

\via The Social Robots – Digital Artefact Pitch — Nicola Carnevale

D.A Pitch – ‘Growth’



In short my D.A is a music project titled, ‘Growth.’ The intetion of the D.A is to consider the future of the planet and humanity. I attempt to represent what I would like to see in the future informed by the now (my current state of being). I want to see the growth of a better world, full of peace, love and compassion. The aim of the EP is to inspire the youth to band together to bring about change and making them realise that if they look within themselves, they have all the power they could ask for!

Here is a link to my D.A, namely my ‘Growth’ EP. I would like the feedback to be on soundcloud, but you are welcome to comment feedback on the blog post!


Live Tweeting

Over the last 7 weeks, I have been engaging in a number of screenings while also participating in something called ‘Live tweeting‘. During the screening of these movies and series, my peers and I have been engaging in discussions on Twitter through the #BCM325 which provided a fantastic medium to unpack thoughts and concepts. Live tweeting on Twitter allowed for quite a lot of discussion to happen between my peers while the screening was happening but also created somewhat of a community as we all became connected through the hashtag while talking about the screenings each week. Twitter definitely allowed for a lot more discussion to happen between my peers which was highlighted at the end of some screenings where we were prompted to talk about a theory, but no one wanted to say anything out loud. Quite interesting.


Anyway, the first screening was an interesting 1995 anime classic ‘Ghost in the Shell‘. The movie plays with the theme of the advancement of cybernetic technology and how the body can be entirely or partly replaced with cybernetic parts.

Live tweeting this screening was a bit difficult, especially when trying to find information about the piece while keeping up and paying attention. So for this screening, I did have an insufficient amount of tweets as I was trying to figure out what was going on as well as push back the feelings of posting anxiety (anyone else?). Even though I didn’t contribute as much as I wanted to I did end up posting some tweets and they did receive some social engagement in the form of likes and re-tweets. The most interesting source found for this movie was the Reddit post, I discovered that Reddit is an excellent source to get some opinions as well as find some explanations for things that I didn’t understand which was very helpful.


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Next was the 1973 ‘Westworld’ screening, which played on the theme of technologies giving the privileged an experience like no other through an amusement park and visitors having free reign to do whatever they want.  When the phrase “And nothing can possibly go wrong” is used, you know for a fact that something is going to go down, and it sure as hell did.

A lot of issues and moral questions ended up being brought up in this session by my peers who were really engaging. Again, dying inside of posting anxiety is not the most helpful thing, especially when live tweeting. However, A lot of my engagement this week was focused towards liking, re-tweeting and a conversation (pats self on the back). My peers were all on the ball in this session and were primarily tweeting what I was thinking in a more elaborate way than I could muster at the time. Again, ideas of morals and technology were prevalent and undoubtedly the most crucial question that was asked in the screening of Westworld.




Johnny Mnemonic‘, a 1995 Canadian-American Cyberpunk action thriller was the next movie to live tweet. The film portrayed Gibson’s dystopian view of the future world dominated by megacorporations.

I approached live tweeting this film through likes and re-tweets as it was difficult to pay attention to the storyline while also finding information about the film to post. I think this action thriller was the hardest for me to follow which definitely showed in my limited amount of social engagement. Although I didn’t engage much with this film, I did end up agreeing with what my peers were discussing online and again found that they were tweeting what I was thinking.


The 1999 film ‘The Matrix‘ was my favourite screening and was the start of my more engaging tweets with my peers. The Matrix is a dystopian science fiction film written in the future where the reality that most humans experience is actually a simulated reality.

I approached the act of live tweeting for this week in the form of liking, commenting and re-tweeting (hell yeah), and found that my peers were having a more interesting conversation with me through twitter because of it. I did also go down a tangent with my research with this screening and found some cool subreddits to do with Glitches in reality. I found this screening and live tweeting to be a lot of fun, which made interacting with my peers a whole lot easier.




Black Mirror’s ‘Be Right Back’ (2013) was an unforgettable screening. The episode was devastating and ended up giving me full body chills.  The idea of being so consumed with grief and a company taking full advantage of this was very disturbing. Even the concept of technology being able to imitate and become someone based on their pictures, videos and (social media?) data, when they have died, is beyond terrifying, and something that I don’t think should be able to ever exist.

In this screening, the episode ended up engrossing me, and I worked on liking and re-tweeting to keep up my social engagement. I did make the odd comment and found that they also gain some engagement so I was happy about that. Again, in this live tweeting of the film, my peers were very much on the ball, and I found myself reading tweets and completely agreeing with what was being said.



The 2012 film ‘Robot and Frank’ was another screening that I enjoyed live tweeting. The film is an American Science fiction comedy-drama which draws on the ideas of domestic robots being used to help the elderly with their everyday activities.

When screening this film, I ended up live tweeting a lot more than I had previously. This was a topic that I had earlier talked about in another class and had some information to contribute to the discussion that was happening during the live tweeting. I received a lot of engagement from my peers in this screening and found that I was having some interesting conversations with people on the topic which was quite fun. A lot of my peers had quite interesting things to say, and I ended up finding some fascinating points being made during the screening that I liked (included below).



The very last screening was ‘Hated by the Nation’ by Black Mirror which was a murder mystery to solve a crime if inexplicable deaths of people who were all targets on social media. This episode really highlighted the power of social media especially Twitter and also the idea of mob mentality.

I ended up tweeting quite a bit at this stage and had some great conversations with my peers online. I found that it was definitely a lot easier to tweet and talk to my peers online when I had watched the episode before we screened it. I was able to find some interesting sources from Reddit, and it also allowed me to focus more on what was happening during the live tweeting and participate more. This screening was definitely my best in tweeting and engagement terms.